
How many light bulbs does it take to save the planet?
The Independent,(London),Jul 3, 2006 by Andy McSmith

The simple use of current technology could have a dramatic impact on global warming, if only we would adopt it. The low-energy light bulb- like the one shown here - and other efficient lighting systems could prevent a cumulative total of 16billiontonsofcarbonfrombeingadded to the world's atmosphere over the next 25 years, according to are port by the International Energy Agency.

The agency said it would not need any technology that is not already widely available and - far from costing money - it would save more than pounds 1,300bn. The light used for homes and offices is a major cause of climate change and also creates "light pollution", which means that city children grow up never seeing the stars.
The UK Government alone has 50,000 buildings, with a combined annual energy bill of almost pounds 200m, emitting 0.75 tons of carbon a year. Most of these buildings are using inefficient lighting systems. Two years ago, all government departments were given instructions to improve energy efficiency - but the 12-page framework document setting out their targets makes no specific mention of energy-efficient lighting systems.

Tony Blair did, however, make a symbolic gesture towards efficient lighting when he had a low-energy bulb installed in the lamp that hangs outside the door of 10 Downing Street.

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