
McVEGAN Imagine dozens of people munching away on burgers, shakes and cookies, friendly food-servers wearing t-shirts with the golden arches, and a happy clown entertaining young and old, alike. Now imagine that the burgers not only taste great, but are good for you, the animals, and the environment.

No, this isn't McDonalds. It's McVegan, where our motto 'billions and billions saved' is recited by Ronald McDonald's compassionate twin brother, Reggie McVeggie! Each year Vegan Action helps people worldwide organize McVegan events, passing out thousands of free vegan food samples and dietary information to the public -- reaffirming that food is the fastest route to people's hearts.

Beginning as a parody of the corporate giant, McVegan eventually led to threats of a lawsuit from the company, a barrage of press coverage and, ultimately, a complete abdication by McDonald's. It's rare that a non-profit gets to beat a corporate giant at its own game -- so we took the opportunity to generate nationwide publicity for veganism.

If McVegan hasn't yet arrived in your community, organize your own McVegan event! Read "How to Bring a McVegan Event to your Town." Contact us to let us know about your event or if you have any questions.

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