
"Kelloggs Frosted Wheat" cereal contains beef
gelatine, making it unsuitable for veggies, Hindus,
and those avoiding beef products after BSE. I have
complained to their customer services department and
they tell me that this is (by implication purely for
cosmetic reasons) to give a "bloom" to their product!

Mars sensibly did a U-turn on their non-vegetarian
confectionary earlier this year. Now it is Kelloggs
turn to do a U-turn and alter their ingredients.

Please contact Kelloggs on 0800-626066 or e-mail via
(not the product complaint form intended for things
you have already bought) asking them to replace this
ingredient with something acceptable to vegetarians.

Also copy this e-mail to all your contacts, write to
newspapers and radio stations about this. Veggies
need to be aware that even the most innocent looking
products can contain meat derivatives!


S Falaki said...

What do you expect from a company with that many 6s in their phone number mate?

Anonymous said...

Whether a person is a vegetarian or not, you got to be kind a dumb to eat Kellogs Frosted Wheat, because it is total junk food and way to much sugar and salt.
Just read the ingredients on the box.
The beef bi-product is probably the most and only nutritious part of this awful cereal.
I wouldn't even bother going to the trouble of contacting Kellogs, I would try eating real foods, instead...try some oatmeal!

Search the web for other vegetarian stuff or anything else..Just... Google it

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